Misuse of Scientific Data By the White House

Link: Misuse of Scientific Data By the White House

Science data nerds writes “The White House is consistently and persistently claiming that the US is doing better than Europe in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is false — their claim is purely based on carefully selecting the only subset of the data that supports this conclusion. When all the data are used, it is plain that European emissions have declined substantially and US emissions have grown substantially. The article, and this linked analysis, debunk the White House claims.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Encrypt and Sign Gmail messages with FireGPG

Link: Encrypt and Sign Gmail messages with FireGPG

Linux.com (Same owners as Slashdot) has a story up about FireGPG and says “Gmail may be an excellent Web-based email application, but there is no easy way to use it with privacy tools like GnuPG. The FireGPG extension for Firefox is designed to solve this problem. It integrates nicely into Gmail’s interface and allows you… Encrypt and sign Gmail messages with FireGPG

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

New Fuel Cell Twice As Efficient As Generators

Link: New Fuel Cell Twice As Efficient As Generators

Hank Green writes “A new kind of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell has been developed that can consume any kind of fuel, from hydrogen to bio-diesel; it is over two times more efficient than traditional generators. Acumentrics is attempting to market the technology to off-grid applications (like National Parks) and also for home use as personal Combined Heat and Power plants that are extremely efficient (half as carbon-intensive as grid power.)”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.