Link: Anyway Tech Women
Goes with the recent DevChix article (which is linked in sentence #1 for easy reference)
Link: Anyway Tech Women
Goes with the recent DevChix article (which is linked in sentence #1 for easy reference)
Link: The LisaBar – or – Why Apple got it right. « Federkiel
I’m generally interested in UI issues. This one one seems pretty interesting, so I might even read it.
Link: iTWire – Vista: They took five years for this?
“Linux users can, at times, be the worst kind of ingrates, whining and complaining about what they perceive as missing features in a free operating system. My advice to all such whingers: spend 10 days using the latest version of Windows and you’ll realise that you are living in a world of relative bliss.”
 Probably worth reading. If not, just enjoy that lovely lead paragraph. :)
Link: Create Password Protected PDF Files On Your Mac (22 Jun 2007)
This article describes in details how to create password protected PDF files on Mac OS X by using a freely available command line utility, as well as an Automator Workflow.
Link: The ten most hated words on the Internet
Blogosphere wins for me…
Link: CBC-TV: The Nature of Things: Build Green
I’d like to see this show. Perhaps it’s online somewhere…