FBI Seeks To Restrict University Student Freedoms

Link: FBI Seeks To Restrict University Student Freedoms

“Unexplained affluence, failing to report overseas travel, showing unusual interest in information outside the job scope, keeping unusual work hours, unreported contacts with foreign nationals, unreported contact with foreign government, military, or intelligence officials, attempting to gain new accesses without the need to know, and unexplained absences are all considered potential espionage indicators.” — oh, and also several of those would seem to be indicators of your average student…

The Mechanized Future

Link: The Mechanized Future

Michael J. Ross and Dan Sisson write “In our increasingly mechanized world, we repeatedly hear promises that every new digital product, computerized service, or other form of technology, will make our lives easier — bestowing greater leisure, health, and happiness. Yet are any of those promises being fulfilled? Are we not instead becoming slaves to the very “conveniences” that we struggle to master? These weighty questions are addressed by Steve Talbott in his book Devices of the Soul: Battling for Our Selves in an Age of Machines.” Read below for the rest of Michael and Dan’s review.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

iTWire – Vista: They took five years for this?

Link: iTWire – Vista: They took five years for this?

“Linux users can, at times, be the worst kind of ingrates, whining and complaining about what they perceive as missing features in a free operating system. My advice to all such whingers: spend 10 days using the latest version of Windows and you’ll realise that you are living in a world of relative bliss.”

 Probably worth reading. If not, just enjoy that lovely lead paragraph. :)