SSH environment variables

Just in case you want to know what IP address an SSH client is coming from, or what address they used to log in (such as internal vs. external addresses), the ssh daemon puts a bit of useful stuff in environment variables for you. $SSH_CLIENT and $SSH_CONNECTION are the most useful.

LaTeX & Doxygen tab clearout

I am working on API docs in Doxygen these days, and using it to produce HTML and PDF docs. The goal is zero post-processing, so I’m getting way too involved in LaTeX to make that happen. Herewith, the reference material I keep coming across in my searches.

Doxygen commands is what it says it is.

Doxymacs is a Doxygen mode for emacs.

Getting Started with TeX, LaTeX, and Friends from the TeX Users’ Group, whose mailing lists have provided a LOT of answers so far. Points to FAQs, online docs, and more.

Getting to Grips with LaTeX – LaTeX Tutorials by Andrew Roberts is a series of kick-ass tutorials.

MSc. Thesis – LaTeX explanation is a nice walkthrough of how the author set his thesis, laid out one chunk at a time.

Page layout in LaTeX (PDF) is the official documentation for the fancyhdr package.

There are some more. I may edit this as time goes on.

Spaces hints

Two very useful tricks:

defaults write workspaces-edge-delay -float 0.5; killall Dock

(to change the delay, in seconds, between hitting the edge of the screen with a dragged window and moving into the neighboring Screens desktop)

defaults write workspaces-wrap-arrows -boolean NO; killall Dock

(toggles whether moving to the next Space wraps around when you get to the last Space; i.e., keep going left and you’ll wind up in the rightmost Space)Â