I am working on API docs in Doxygen these days, and using it to produce HTML and PDF docs. The goal is zero post-processing, so I’m getting way too involved in LaTeX to make that happen. Herewith, the reference material I keep coming across in my searches.

Doxygen commands is what it says it is.

Doxymacs is a Doxygen mode for emacs.

Getting Started with TeX, LaTeX, and Friends from the TeX Users’ Group, whose mailing lists have provided a LOT of answers so far. Points to FAQs, online docs, and more.

Getting to Grips with LaTeX - LaTeX Tutorials by Andrew Roberts is a series of kick-ass tutorials.

MSc. Thesis - LaTeX explanation is a nice walkthrough of how the author set his thesis, laid out one chunk at a time.

Page layout in LaTeX (PDF) is the official documentation for the fancyhdr package.

There are some more. I may edit this as time goes on.