Link: What is good tequila?
Month / June 2008 (PBX for iPhone)
Link: (PBX for iPhone)
Another nearly-free calling option for iPhones. This one makes calls anywhere in the world, connects them to you, and you just use your regular minutes.
iCall (voip)
Link: iCall (voip)
Seamlessly transfer calls from cell to voip whenever you’re on wifi. Apparently very beta at this point, but also free.
Tynsoe SSH tunnel manager
Link: Tynsoe SSH tunnel manager
Looks like a good alternative to the non-free one I found a while ago…
Web Page Design for Designers ©
Link: Web Page Design for Designers ©
(linked by Seth Godin…good information)
Cocoa for Windows + Flash Killer = SproutCore
Link: Cocoa for Windows + Flash Killer = SproutCore
(From RoughlyDrafted magazine) — I like the looks of SproutCore. No Flash, no downloads, and it’s already enabling some really nice RIAs.
Snow Leopard Server Takes on Exchange, SharePoint — RoughlyDrafted Magazine
Link: Snow Leopard Server Takes on Exchange, SharePoint — RoughlyDrafted Magazine
Snow Leopard isn’t anywhere near ready for prime time yet, but I especially like that Apple is open-sourcing the calendar server.
Memory loss linked to common sleep disorder
Link: Memory loss linked to common sleep disorder
For the first time, UCLA researchers have discovered that people with sleep apnea show tissue loss in brain regions that help store memory. Reported in the June 27 edition of the journal Neuroscience…
HealthONE EMS courses
Link: HealthONE EMS courses
These guys offer a ton of courses. Some good stuff in there, though more expensive than Front Range…
Museum Frames Strangeness Strangely: Voice: AIGA Journal of Design: Writing: AIGA
Link: Museum Frames Strangeness Strangely: Voice: AIGA Journal of Design: Writing: AIGA
Interesting perspective…